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Portfolio re-imagined with Remix using data-driven SSR, continuously deployed to Cloudflare Pages. Optimized with self-hosted Fontsource fonts & Font-awesome icons and Remix's SSR functionality leveraging the lightning fast Cloudflare Edge network.

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An lightweight Angular web app to visualize "everything I care about" (eekä). Using Angular & ExpressJs along with Google Cloud Datastore this app is a passion project to put many disconnected things in one place. Aggregating data from IoT smart devices (Personal Weather Station, HVAC, etc) with GCP Cloud Functions, I am then able to retrieve and display meaningful real-time data using Apache ECharts. Integrating many other 3rd party services such as DarkSky, The Weather Channel, YouTube, Google Maps, TradingView, and many others I am able to consolidate the sheer number of apps and services all in one place–constantly evolving.

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CrashCart App

Another hybrid mobile app built using Ionic v4 (Angular 8, Wk WebView) built for HealthFirst to augment ordering CrashCarts by scanning medical labels and using OCR technology to extract and lookup drugs with an NDC code on the label.

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IoT Events App

Ionic v4 Angular 8 hybrid built as a companion to, with quick access to event details, ticket for event entry, event-centric push notifications, QR contact scan & share, and dynamic content publishing platform. This app is deployed to Android and iOS using Ionic and Apache Cordova.

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IoT In Action Events

A web-based event orchestration platform, from event registration to in-person networking using the proprietary matchmaking software, IoT in Action Events has been a staple product for Microsoft to empower industry IoT experts, students, and solution providers all in one place. Supplemented in 2019 with the IoT Event mobile app, and Video-on-demand platform, the IoT in Action experience continues to grow under partnership between EAS and Microsoft.

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GoDaddy Email Signature Generator

Built with Bootstrap v4 & PHP to help aid GoDaddy Guides, Registry, and Corporate employees to create their email signatures and help maintain a consistent look and feel across the organization.

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EASCI Email Signature Generator

Built with Bootstrap v4 & PHP to help users create their email signatures at Extreme Arts + Sciences and helps maintain a consistent look and feel across the organization.

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IRIS is an web-based safety library with industry and state driven content with a focus on preventing claims and offering a vast searchable library of safety and training content. Completely home-grown and built on open source technology, LAMP coupled with Apache Solr; and features a highly developed content management administrative toolset.

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York Styleguide

The York Styleguide was built to help maintain a corporate web-based styleguide govern corporate web-based application look and feel. Also provide brand guidance, resources, and code snippets to developers at York.

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Careworks Styleguide

The Careworks Styleguide was built to help maintain a corporate web-based styleguide govern corporate web-based application look and feel. Also provide brand guidance, resources, and code snippets to developers at York.

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Using Google Glass, Monocle was a proof of concept project using Android Dev Studio for York Innovation to push the boundaries of the Risk Assessment process.

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FOCUS Help Portal

Built as a companion to York's RIMS system, FOCUS Help Portal provide training material, and other useful information to help FOCUS users. It was built using a highly customized version of HTML5 Boilerplate.

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Email Signature Generator

Built with Bootstrap v4, PHP, and Micro-service Offices API to assist users create their email signatures at York and helps maintain a consistent look and feel across the organization.

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Provider Gateway

Provider Gateway is a self-service tool to assist providers in looking up payment statuses from claims submitted through York. Built on ASP.Net MVC, ASP.Net WebAPI, and Bootstrap v3.

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WC Payment Options

WC Payment Options is a companion website to FARA's claim system at the time and was built in the early days before responsive web design really took a hold. It was designed to be dead simple to use for claimants to choose how they receive their Worker's Compensation benefits.

York Loader

York loader is a SVG animated loader created for optimized loading with some York flare. It's done using CSS stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset with keyframes CSS animation.